Fibromyalgia (and a whole bunch of other things) are really Tension Myositis Syndrome

Tension Myositis Syndrome.  TMS.  It’s a term coined by Dr. John Sarno in his books on chronic pain. But anything that ends with “syndrome” is just a description of a thing that exists outside of the label. In this case, calling fibromyalgia TMS is not really saying it isn’t fibromyalgia. It is saying that fibromyalgia 

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On What Authority?

On what authority do I offer advice on the Craft of Writing?  Well, I am a published author. In 2000 I had the privilege of adding to and rewriting local treasure Harvey Manning’s guidebook to the trails of Cougar Mountain, published by nonprofit organization the Issaquah Alps Trails Club. In 2003 I wrote the bulk 

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What I’ve Learned from Teaching 50,000 Lessons

They say it takes 10,000 hours to master an instrument.  I’ve definitely played more than 10,000 hours in my 37 years as a guitarist, bassist, keyboardist and drummer.  But what I didn’t anticipate when I embarked on a professional music career in 1991 was spending 25,000 hours (and counting) teaching.  Teaching music is the only full-time 

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