My PNWA Conference report

I went, as a sci fi/fantasy finalist, with no great expectations. I felt honored to be a finalist in the PNWA contest this year, so that was enough; anything else was just icing on that cake. My first conference was a great experience. I met interesting, kind and cool people without trying, got excellent advice, and received more input from seminars than I could easily process. I also was placed, by chance, at a pitch-practicing table with a lady from Issaquah who writes fantasy, is from the East Coast, wants to learn guitar and likes symphonic metal. What are the chances of THAT? As you can probably guess, I didn’t win 1st, 2nd or 3rd place, but being a finalist is just fine by me.

One Comments

  • Buck August 17, 2016 Reply

    I like what you have written here about your experience at the PNWA conference. It expresses very well your humility and your gratitude.

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